
This is a secure Motor Control Device (A) for XXXQFrequencyName. To run this device please connect it to your mains power supply.

1. Install your Nano Shutter.

2. Scan the QR code on Nano Shutter using your Z-Wave gateway/controllers app.

3. Power On your Nano Shutter

4. Your Nano Shutter will automatically pair to your Z-Wave network.

Important safety information

Please read this manual carefully. Failure to follow the recommendations in this manual may be dangerous or may violate the law. The manufacturer, importer, distributor and seller shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from failure to comply with the instructions in this manual or any other material. Use this equipment only for its intended purpose. Follow the disposal instructions. Do not dispose of electronic equipment or batteries in a fire or near open heat sources.

Product Description

Aeon Labs Nano Shutter is a Z-Wave power binary switch device based on Z-Wave enhanced 232 slave library V6.71.01. Its surface has a pin socket, which can be used for connecting to the touch panel, so you can also use the touch panel to control the Nano Shutter. It can also be included and operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers and/or other applications. All non-battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of the vendor to increase the reliability of the network. It is a security Z-Wave plus device, so a security-enabled controller is needed to take full advantage of all functionally for the Nano Shutter. It also supports the Over The Air (OTA) feature for the product?s firmware upgrade. As soon as Nano Shutter is removed from a Z-Wave network it will be restored into default factory setting.
NEW: This device supports Smart Start and Positioning as well as Venetian -Mode


Notes for the wire connection ports:
N - Power input for neutral
L - Power input for life
IN - Input for load power supply
OUT1 - Output for Motor direction 1 (Down)
OUT2 - Output for Motor direction 2 (UP)
S1 - External switch 1 control for Motor (UP)
S2 - External switch 2 control for Motor (DOWN)

Product Usage


Calibration of Nano Shutter (V 3.0 and later)


Calibration for Shutter has 2 modes: Shutter Mode and Venetian Mode.


In Shutter mode, only the Current Trip Time (Parameter 35) is used for up/down control. 


In Venetian Mode, the Curtain Trip Time (Parameter 35) and Blade Turn Time (Parameter 34) are used for up/down control and angle of rotation of the leaf.


1. Shutter Mode

Used for standard roller blinds that move up and down only.


he calibration process is as follows:


a) Enter calibration mode 

  • By short pressing 3 times (Z-Wave button or external switch) 
  • Or by sending a CONFIGURATION SET Parameter 36 [1 byte] to value 1.

b) The curtain will begin to move to the end in one direction (full open or fully closed); reference point A. 

  • Press the Action Button/S1/S2 once the curtain is at max open or close to tell Nano Shutter to perform the next step.

c) The motor/curtain will reverse to other direction; reference point B.

  • Press the Action Button/S1/S2 once the curent is at the max open or close to finalize the calibration.

d) Calibration is completed.

  • Nano Shutter records the run time from the reference point A to B, which is the time between max open and the max close of the curtain (this time can be read and modified through the Configuration 0x23 (35) if additional readjustments are needed).


2. Venetian Mode


Nano Shutter in Venetian Mode can be set to open the blinds up/down, as well as the angle of rotation of the leaf

separately. There is a switch on Venetian to change the Controlling Channel for blind lifting and leaf rotation, the

switch needs manual operation by the user. 

The calibration process is as follows:


a) Before calibration, set the Venetian to blind lifting channel; [Paramter 38 to value 1]

b) Enter Venetian calibration mode by:

  • By short pressing 5 times (Z-Wave button or external switch) 
  • Or by sending a CONFIGURATION SET Parameter 36 [1 byte] to value 2.

c) The motor connected to Nano Shutter should move toward the direction in which the blinds are curled upwards (Reference C).

  • Once the blinds are fully opened and curled upwards completely (Reference A and C):
    • Press the Action Button/S1/S2 once to calibrate Reference A.
  • If the blinds are unfolded, the motor movement direction needs to be reset by setting Parameter 22 to value 2; after setting the correct direction, follow step a to re-enter the calibration mode (step a);

d) Nano Shutter should now reverse the direction the motor blind movement downwards (Towards reference B). Once blinds close up completely (Reference point B):

  • Press the Action Button/S1/S2 once to calibrate Reference B.

e) Nano Shutter will stop working and require that the Venetian blinds must be set to leaf rotation channel;

  • Press the Action Button/S1/S2 once to start leaf rotation calibration.

f) The Venetian blinds should begin leaf rotation, the window leaf turn to 0° (reference point C). 

  • Press the Action Button/S1/S2 once the leaf is rotated completely.

g) The Venetian blinds will rotate to 180° (Reference point D). 

  • Press the Action Button/S1/S2 once the leaf is rotated completely to finalize calibration.

h) The Nano Shutter records the run time between points A and B, and turn time between reference points C and D which are curtain trip time and blade turn time (the recorded time can be read and modified from the Configuration 0x22 (34) and 0x23 (35)).


Operation Mode 1. - Split reaction between S1 and S2 controls.
  External Switch 1 (S1) External Switch 2 (S2)
Current State. Stop Moving to 100% Moving to 0% Stop Moving to 0% Moving to 100%
Button pressed once. Move to 100% Stop NC Move to 0% Stop NC


Operation Mode 2.  - Same controls over S1 and S2.
External Switch 1 + 2 (S1 and S2
Current State At 0% Moving to 0% Moving to 100% At 100% Stop
Button pressed once Move to 100% Stop Stop Move to 0% Toggle


The function of Action Button

Click one time

1. Send out a Node info.
2. Add Nano Shutter into a Z-Wave network:
1. Power on your Nano Shutter, the RGB LED will be colorful gradient status.
2. Let the primary controller into inclusion mode (If you don?t know how to do this, refer to its manual).
3. Press the Action button.
4. If the inclusion is successful, the LED will be solid. Otherwise, the LED will remain colorful gradient status, in which you need to repeat the process from step 2.

Quick press 2 times

Activate the automatic identification mode for external switch S1.
The blue LED will fast blink to indicate the Nano Shutter is in this mode. 
Note: When the Nano Shutter enters this mode, toggle the external switch S1 once and wait 2 seconds for the Nano Shutter to detect the external switch type of S1.

Quick press 3 times

 Enter Shutter Calibration Mode

Orange light flashing when calibrating.

1. Press the Button/S1/S2 once when blinds arrive at max close. 

2. Press the Button/S1/S2 again when blinds arrive at max open.

3. LED will stop when calibration is done.


Quick press 4 times

The green LED will fast blink to indicate the Nano Shutter is in this mode.
Note: When the Nano Shutter enters this mode, toggle the external switch S2 once and wait 2 seconds for the Nano Shutter to detect the external switch type of S2.

Quick press 5 times
Enter Venetian Calibration Mode
White light flashing when calibrating.
Quick press 6 

1. Send out a Node info.
2. Remove Nano Shutter from a Z-Wave network:
1. Power on your Nano Shutter, the LED will be solid.
2. Let the primary controller into remove mode (If you don‘t know how to do this, refer to its manual).
3. Quick press the Action button 6 times.
4. If the remove is successful, the LED will be colorful gradient status. If the LED is still solid, please repeat the process from step 2.

Press and hold 20 seconds

Reset Nano Shutter to factory default:
1. Make sure the Nano Shutter has been powered on.
2. Press and hold the Action Button for 20 seconds.
3. The green LED will be on for 2 seconds and then remain colorful gradient status, which indicates the reset is successful, otherwise please repeat from step 2.

1. This procedure should only be used when the primary controller is missing or inoperable.
2. Reset the Nano Shutter to factory default will exclude the Nano Shutter from Z-Wave network, clear the Association settings, Scene configuration settings and restore the Configuration settings to the default.

Central Scene Notification (V3.0 and higher)

Switch 1

Key Pressed 1 time

Key Pressed 2 times

Key held Down (Push Button Supported Only)

Key Released (Push Button Supported Only)

Switch 2


Key Pressed 1 time

Key Pressed 2 times

Key held Down (Push Button Supported Only)

Key Released (Push Button Supported Only)

Note: Only Push Button mode switch support Attribut Key Held Down/Key Released

Reset to factory default Press the Action Button for 20 secounds
Inclusion 1. Install the device according to the instructions.
2. Press the button on the Nano Shutter once.
Exclusion 1. Press the button on the Nano Shutter 6 times.
NIF Press the Action Button one time
Wakeup XXXWakeupDescription
Protection XXXProtection
FirmwareUpdate XXXFirmwareUpdate
SetAssociation XXXSetAssociation

Association Groups:

Group Number Maximum Nodes Description
1 5 Lifeline
2 5
Forward the Basic Set, Binary set, Scene Activation Set to associated nodes in Group 2 when the Nano Shutter receives the Basic Set, Binary set, Scene Activation Set commands.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter 20: Motor behavior after Power ON (V3.0 and later)

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 Stay the same position before power off last time.
1 Moves to 99%
2 Moves to 0%

Parameter 22: Determine motor run direction (V3.0 and later)

Change the mapping of output and motor running direction between the 2 directions below:na. Out1 maps forward and Out2 maps reversenb. Out1 maps reverse and Out2 maps forward
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 2

Setting Description
2 Change direction

Parameter 34: Blade Turn Time (V3.0 and later)

Note: For Venetian, if this value is set too large for blade turning, curtain may move upwards or downwards. Calibration need to work correctly.Or this setting will force the curtain to move up or down.nThis configuration will not change after network exclusion or Configuration Reset.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 150

Setting Description
10 - 32767 Configurable Range (0,1 - 327675 seconds)

Parameter 35: Curtain Trip Time (V3.00 and later)

Note: For Venetian, if this value is set too large for curtain trip, blade turn positioning may cause errors. This configuration will not change after network exclusion or Configuration Reset.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 15000

Setting Description
500 - 32767 Configurable Range (5 - 327675 seconds)

Parameter 35: Moving time (up to version 2.2)

Set the moving time from up (left) to down (right) for curtain.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 30

Setting Description
1 - 255 Moving time

Parameter 36: Enter/Exit Calibration (V3.0 and later)

Note: Product will enter the right Curtain Mode after calibration, see Configuration 0x27
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 Set:Exit Calibration Report: Not in Calibration
1 Set:Enter Shutter Mode Calibration Report: In Shutter Mode Calibration
2 Set:Enter Venetian Mode Cal ibration Report: In Venetian Mode Calibration

Parameter 37: User confirmation for calibration (V3.0 and later)

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

Setting Description
1 Go to next step of calibration

Parameter 38: Return Calibration Status (Get or Report) (V3.0 and later)

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 Calibration Complete
1 Calibration starts, going to Reference Point A
2 Reach Reference Point A, going to Reference Point B
3 Reach Reference Point B, waiting for Blade turn Calibraion(Only for Venetian Mode)
4 Going to Reference Point C(Only for Venetian Mode)
5 Calibration terminated

Parameter 39: Set the Curtain Mode (V3.0 and later)

Note: 1. This Operation will enter repositioning automatically;n2. This configuration will not change after network exclusion or Configuration Reset.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 Shutter Mode
1 Venetian Mode

Parameter 40: Set repositioning begins (V3.0 and later)

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

Setting Description
1 Repositioning begins

Parameter 41: Get repositioning Status (V3.0 and later)

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 Repositioning complete
1 In repositioning

Parameter 42: Calibration Lock.Used to enable/disable calibration lock (V3.0 and later)

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

Setting Description
0 Disable calibration
1 Enable Action Button/ Command Calibration
2 Enable Action Button/ Command/S1/S2 Calibration

Parameter 51: Curtain Trip Time for UP (Open) moving (V3.06 and later)

Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 15000

Setting Description
500 - 32767 seconds

Parameter 52: Curtain Trip Times for UP and Down are equal. (V3.06 and later)

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

Setting Description
0 The Curtain Trip Times for UP and Down are not equal
1 The Curtain Trip Times for UP and Down are equal

Parameter 80: Report to group 1

To set which report would be sent to the associated nodes in association group 1 when the state of the output load is changed.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 Nothing
1 Basic Report CC
2 Switch Multilevel Report (V3.0 and later)

Parameter 85: Operation mode of external switch

Set the operation mode of external switch. Operation Mode 1: Used S1 for close and S2 for opening the blind Operation Mode 2: Used both button for the same action
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 Operation Mode 1
1 Operation Mode 2

Parameter 120: Type of S1

Set the external switch mode of S1
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 Unidentified mode.
2 3 way switch mode
3 Push button mode
4 Enter automatic identification mode (The blue Led will fast blink).

Parameter 121: Type of S2

Set the external switch mode of S2
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 Unidentified mode
2 3 way switch mode
3 push button mode
4 enter automatic identification mode (The green Led will fast blink).

Parameter 248: Enable/Disable function of External Switch S1&S2 (V3.0 and later)

Note: This value can be combine, e.g. set to 3(1+2=3),means networking function and Reset function are both enable.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

Setting Description
1 Enable network function, inclusion/exclusion
2 Enable reset to factory default function

Parameter 251: Enable/Disable function of External Touch Panel (V3.0 and later)

Enable/disable reset to factory default and exclusion function by long press on touch panel and press 6 times on wall swipe
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

Setting Description
0 Disable

Parameter 252: Enable/disable the configuration parameters to be locked. (up to version 2.2)

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 disabel
1 enable

Parameter 255: Factory reset

Size: 4 Byte, Default Value:

Setting Description
1431655765 Factory Reset
0 Reset all configuration parameters to factory default settings

Technical Data

Dimensions 0.0425000x0.0400000x0.0200000 mm
Weight 34.24 gr
Hardware Platform ZM5101
EAN 1220000016033
IP Class IP 20
Voltage 230V
Load 10A
Device Type Roller Shutter
Generic Device Class Multilevel Switch
Specific Device Class Motor Control Device (A)
Firmware Version 03
Z-Wave Version 6.81
Certification ID ZC10-18066132
Z-Wave Product Id 0x0371.0x0003.0x008d
Frequency Europe - 868,4 Mhz
Maximum transmission power 5 mW
EuropeRoller Shutter