
This is a Notification Sensor for XXXQFrequencyName. To run this device please connect it to your mains power supply. To add this device to your network execute the following action:
1.Install the device for correct positioning of the Sensor and the magnet according to the manual. 2.Set the Z-Wave controller to the inclusion mode.3.The ZC-100 Door/Window Sensor is added to the network by quickly pressing the TMP button three times .4. Correct inclusion of the device to the network will be signalled by the Z-Wave controller.

Important safety information

Please read this manual carefully. Failure to follow the recommendations in this manual may be dangerous or may violate the law. The manufacturer, importer, distributor and seller shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from failure to comply with the instructions in this manual or any other material. Use this equipment only for its intended purpose. Follow the disposal instructions. Do not dispose of electronic equipment or batteries in a fire or near open heat sources.
Attention: This manual is automatically generated from Z-Wave Alliance Product data and may be incomplete. Please refer to the Manufacturers Manual for more information.

Product Description

Senteks ZC-100 surface mount sensor is a battery-powered Z-Wave magnetic door/window contact sensor for surface mounting.ZC-100 sendsradio signals when the Switch and actuate-magnet separate.By taking advantage ofZ-Wave mesh network, commands can be routed to their destination via intermediary listening Z-Wave products.Products that are Z-Wave certified can be used and communicate with other Z-Wave certified devices.The Sentek Door / Window Sensor is designed for use with scenes in home automation systems, alarm andsurveillance systems and everywhere else where information related to opening / closing of doors, windows, garage gates, etc. is needed.Suitable for smart home systems.

Reset to factory default Note: Use the reset procedure only in the event that the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.1.Pressed the TMP button more than 5 seconds. 2.Release the TMP button while the device's Led start blinking.3.Reset is performed.
Inclusion 1.Install the device for correct positioning of the Sensor and the magnet according to the manual. 2.Set the Z-Wave controller to the inclusion mode.3.The ZC-100 Door/Window Sensor is added to the network by quickly pressing the TMP button three times .4. Correct inclusion of the device to the network will be signalled by the Z-Wave controller.
Exclusion 1.Install the device for correct positioning of the Sensor and the magnet according to the manual.2.Set the Z-Wave controller to the exclusion mode.3.The ZC-100 Door/Window Sensor is delete from the network by quickly pressing the TMP button three times.4. Correct exclusion of the device from the network will be signalled by the Z-Wave controller.
Wakeup Any action of TMP button and the magnetic sensor will wakeup the product. And by default every 5 minutes the product will wakeup.
Protection XXXProtection
FirmwareUpdate XXXFirmwareUpdate
SetAssociation XXXSetAssociation

Association Groups:

Group Number Maximum Nodes Description
1 4 Z-Wave Plus LifelineGroup I is assigned to input IN1, TMP button and themagnetic sensor, Sending BASIC SET or ALARM command frames.
2 4 Group II is assigned to the magnetic sensor, SendingBASIC SET frames
3 4 Group III is assigned to input IN1, TMP button, SendingALARM command frames
4 4 Group IV is assigned to input IN1, TMP button, SendingALARM command frames

Configuration Parameters

Parameter 1: LED Controll

Available parameter settings:0 - LED disable,1 - LED enable
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1

Setting Description
0 - 1 LED controll

Parameter 4: Type of IN input

Available parameter settings:0INPUT_NO (Normal Open)1INPUT_NC (Normal Close)
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0

Setting Description
0 - 1 Type of IN input

Parameter 5: Type of control frame transmitted, activated via IN input.

The parameter allows you to specify the type of an alarm frameor to force control frames transmission (BASIC_SET)Default value: 255BASIC SETAvailable parameter settings:1ALARM SMOKE frame2ALARM CO frame3ALARM CO2 frame4ALARM OVERHEAT frame5ALARM WATER frame255Control frame BASIC_SET
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 255

Setting Description
1 - 5 the type of an alarm frame
255 force control frames transmission (BASIC_SET)

Technical Data

Hardware Platform ZM5202
Device Type Notification Sensor
Network Operation Reporting Sleeping Slave
Firmware Version 01
Z-Wave Version 6.51.06
Certification ID ZC10-15090019
Z-Wave Product Id 0x0185.0x0003.0x0008
Frequency XXfrequency
Maximum transmission power XXantenna
CEPT (Europe)Notification Sensor