Dies ist ein
Connect module to power supply (with temperature sensor connected - if purchased),enable add/remove mode on main controllerauto-inclusion (works for about 2 minutes after connected to power supply) orpress push button I1 three times within 3s (3 times change switch state within 3 seconds) orpress service button S (only applicable for 24 V SELV supply voltage) for more than 2 second.NOTE1: For auto-inclusion procedure, first set main controller into inclusion mode and then connect module to power supply.NOTE2: When connecting temperature sensor to module that has already been included, you have to exclude module first. Switch off power supply, connect the sensor and re-include the module.
Z-Wave ist der internationale Funkstandard zur Kommunikation von Geräten im intelligenten Haus. Dies ist ein Z-Wave Gerät und nutzt die im Quickstart angegebene Funkfrequenz.
Dank Z-Wave können Produkte unterschiedlicher Hersteller miteinander in einem Funknetz verwendet werden. Damit ist auch dieses Produkt mit beliebigen anderen Produkten anderer Hersteller in einem gemeinsamen Z-Wave Funknetz einsetzbar.
Wenn ein Gerät die spezielle sichere Kommunikation unterstützt dann wird es immer dann mit einem anderen Gerät sicher kommunizieren, wenn dieses Gerät auch eine sichere Kommunikation unterstützt. Ansonsten wird aus Kompatibilitätsgründen auf einen normalen Kommunikation umgeschaltet.
Weitere Informationen wie Produktneugkeiten, Tutorials, Supportforen etc. erhalten Sie auf www.zwave.de.
This Z-Wave module is used for dimming the bulb or to manage the speed of a fan. The module can be controlled either through a Z-Wave network or through the wall switch. The module is designed to be mounted inside a flush mounting box, hidden behind a traditional wall switch. Module measures power consumption of bulb or fan and supports connection of digital temperature sensor. It is designed to act as repeater in order to improve range and stability of Z-wave network.
Bitte lesen Sie die Benutzeranleitung bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen.
Damit ein Z-Wave zu einem neuen Netz hinzugefügt werden kann muss es sich im Auslieferungs- oder Reset-Zustand befinden. Im Zweifel ist es sinnvoll, eine Exklusion durchzuführen, um das Gerät ganz sicher in diesem Zustand zu bringen. Diese Exklusion kann von jedem beliebigen Z-Wave Controller durchgeführt werden.
Dieses Gerät kann auch ohne Hilfe eines Controller in den Reset-Zustand zurückgeführt werden. Dies sollte jedoch nur dann gemacht werden wenn der Primärcontroller des Z-Wave-Netzes nicht mehr verfügbar oder defekt ist.
press push button I1 fivetimes within 3s ( 5 times change switch state within 3 seconds) in the first 60 seconds after the module is connected to the power supply orpress service button S (only applicable for 24 V SELV supply voltage) for more than 6 second.Please use reset procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.
Achtung: Je nach nationalen Sicherheitsnormen kann es nur autorisierten und/oder ausgebildeten Techniker erlaubt sein, elektrische Installationen am Spannungsnetz vorzunehmen. Bitte informieren Sie sich vor der Installation über die Rechtslage.
Im Auslieferungszustand ist das Gerät mit keinem Z-Wave-Netz verbunden. Damit es
mit anderen Z-Wave Geräten kommunizieren kann, muss es in ein bestehendes Z-Wave Netz
eingebunden werden. Dieser Prozess wird bei Z-Wave Inklusion genannt. Geräte können
Netzwerke auch wieder verlassen. Dieser Prozess heißt bei Z-Wave Exklusion. Beide
Prozesse werden von einem Controller gestartet, der dazu in einen Inklusion- bzw.
Exklusion-Modus geschaltet werden muss. Das Handbuch des Controllers enthält
Informationen, wie er in diese Modi zu schalten ist. Erst wenn der Controller
des Z-Wave Netzes im Inclusion-Modus ist, können Geräte hinzugefügt werden.
Das Verlassen des Netzes durch Exklusion führt zum Rücksetzen dieses Gerätes
in den Auslieferungszustand.3>
Connect module to power supply (with temperature sensor connected - if purchased),enable add/remove mode on main controllerauto-inclusion (works for about 2 minutes after connected to power supply) orpress push button I1 three times within 3s (3 times change switch state within 3 seconds) orpress service button S (only applicable for 24 V SELV supply voltage) for more than 2 second.NOTE1: For auto-inclusion procedure, first set main controller into inclusion mode and then connect module to power supply.NOTE2: When connecting temperature sensor to module that has already been included, you have to exclude module first. Switch off power supply, connect the sensor and re-include the module.
Connect module to power supplybring module within maximum 1 meter (3feet) of the main controller, enable add/remove mode on main controller,press push button I1 fivetimes within 3s ( 5 times change switch state within 3 seconds) in the first 60 seconds after the module is connected to the power supply orpress service button S (only applicable for 24 V SELV supply voltage) for more than 6 second.By this function all parameters of the module are set to default values and own ID is deleted.If push button I1 is pressed three times within 3s (or service button S is pressed more than 2 and less than 6 seconds) module is excluded, but configuration parameters are not set to default values.NOTE: If the module is included with parameters 100 or 101 with values different to default and module reset is done, wait at least 30s before next inclusion
Die folgenden kleinen Hinweise können bei Problemen im Z-Wave Netz helfen.
Z-Wave Geräte können andere Geräte direkt steuern. Diese direkte Steuerung heißt in Z-Wave Assoziation. In den steuernden Geräten muss dazu die Geräte-ID des zu steuernden Gerätes hinterlegt werden. Dies erfolgt in sogenannten Assoziationsgruppen. Eine Assoziationsgruppe ist immer an ein Ereignis im steuernden Gerät gebunden (Tastendruck oder Auslösen eines Sensors). Bei Eintritt dieses Ereignisses wird an alle in einer Assoziationsgruppe hinterlegten Geräte ein Steuerkommando - meist ein BASIC SET - gesendet.
Gruppen-Nummer | Max. Anzahl Geräte | Beschreibung |
1 | 1 | Z-Wave Plus Lifeline |
2 | 16 | Basic On/Off |
3 | 16 | Start Level Change/Stop Level Change |
4 | 16 | Multilevel Set |
5 | 16 | Basic On/Off |
6 | 16 | Notification Report |
7 | 16 | Binary Sensor |
8 | 16 | Basic On/Off |
9 | 16 | Notification Report |
10 | 16 | Binary Sensor Report |
11 | 16 | Multilevel Sensor Report |
Z-Wave Produkte können direkt nach der Inklusion im Netz verwendet werden. Durch Konfigurationseinstellungen kann das Verhalten des Gerätes jedoch noch besser an die Anforderungen der Anwendung angepasst und zusätzliche Funktionen aktiviert werden.
WICHTIG: Manche Steuerungen erlauben nur die Konfiguration von vorzeichenbehafteten Werten zwischen -128 und 127. Um erforderliche Werte zwischen 128 und 255 zu programmieren, muss der gewünschte Wert minus 256 eingegeben werden. Beispiel: um einen Parameter auf einen Wert von 200 zu setzen, müsste der Wert 200-256 = -56 eingegeben werden, wenn nur positive Werte bis 128 akzeptiert werden. Bei Werten von 2 Byte Länge wird die gleiche Logik angewandt: Werte über 32768 werden als negative Werte angegeben.
Available config. parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 00 - mono-stable switch type (push button)button quick press turns between previous set Dimmer value and zero1 - bi-stable switch type NOTE: Switch connected to S1 terminal is a master switch. It activates the basic functionality of the Dimmer Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Mono-stable switch type (push button)button quick press turns between previous set Dimmer value and zero. |
Available config. parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):default value 255255 - ALL ON active, ALL OFF active.0 - ALL ON is not active, ALL OFF is not active1 - ALL ON is not active, ALL OFF active2 - ALL ON active, ALL OFF is not activeFlush Dimmer module responds to commands ALL ON / ALL OFF that may be sent by the main controller or by other controller belonging to the system. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 255
Wert | Beschreibung |
255 | ALL ON active, ALL OFF active. |
0 | ALL ON is not active, ALL OFF is not active. |
1 | ALL ON is not active, ALL OFF active. |
2 | ALL ON active, ALL OFF is not active. |
Enabling I2 means that Endpoint (I2) will be present on UI. Disabling it will result in hiding the endpoint according to the parameter set value. Additionally, a Notification Type and Event can be selected for the endpoint. Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):Endpoint device type selection:-notification sensor (1 - 6):GENERIC_TYPE_SENSOR_NOTIFICATION, SPECIFIC_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SENSORdefault value 01 - Home Security; Motion Detection, unknown loc.2 - CO; Carbon Monoxide detected, unknownloc.3 - CO2; Carbon Dioxide detected, unknown loc.4 - Water Alarm; Water Leak detected, unknown loc.5 - Heat Alarm; Overheat detected, unknown loc.6 - Smoke Alarm; Smoke detected, unknown loc.0 - Endpoint, I2 disabled-sensor binary (9): GENERIC_TYPE_SENSOR_BINARY, SPECIFIC_TYPE_NOT_USED9 - Sensor binary NOTE1: After parameter change, first exclude module (without setting parameters to default value) then wait at least 30s and then re include the module!NOTE 2: When the parameter is set to value 9 the notifications are send for Home Security. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Endpoint, I2 disabled. |
1 | Home Security; Motion Detection, unknown loc. |
2 | CO; Carbon Monoxide detected, unknownloc. |
3 | CO2; Carbon Dioxide detected, unknown loc. |
4 | Water Alarm; Water Leak detected, unknown loc. |
5 | Heat Alarm; Overheat detected, unknown loc. |
6 | Smoke Alarm; Smoke detected, unknown loc. |
9 | Sensor binary. |
Enabling I3 means that Endpoint (I3) will be present on UI. Disabling it will result in hiding the endpoint according to the parameter set value. Additionally, a Notification Type and Event can be selected for the endpoint. Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):Endpoint device type selection:- notification sensor (1 - 6): GENERIC_TYPE_SENSOR_NOTIFICATION, SPECIFIC_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SENSORdefault value 01 - Home Security; Motion Detection, unknown loc.2 - CO; Carbon Monoxide detected, unknownloc.3 - CO2; Carbon Dioxide detected, unknown loc.4 - Water Alarm; Water Leak detected, unknown loc.5 - Heat Alarm; Overheat detected, unknown loc.6 - Smoke Alarm; Smoke detected, unknown loc.0 - Endpoint, I3 disabled- sensor binary (9): GENERIC_TYPE_SENSOR_BINARY, SPECIFIC_TYPE_NOT_USED9 - Sensor binary NOTE1: After parameter change, first exclude module (without setting parameters to default value) then wait at least 30s and then re include the module!NOTE 2: When the parameter is set to value 9 the notifications are send for Home Security. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Endpoint, I3 disabled. |
1 | Home Security; Motion Detection, unknown loc. |
2 | CO; Carbon Monoxide detected, unknownloc.. |
3 | CO2; Carbon Dioxide detected, unknown loc. |
4 | Water Alarm; Water Leak detected, unknown loc. |
5 | Heat Alarm; Overheat detected, unknown loc. |
6 | Smoke Alarm; Smoke detected, unknown loc. |
9 | Sensor binary. |
Available config. parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):default value 00 - Auto OFF disabled 1 - 32536 = 1second - 32536 seconds Auto OFF enabled with define time, step is 1 second. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Auto OFF disabled. |
1 - 32536 | 1 second - 32536 seconds Auto OFF enabled with define time, step is 1 second. |
Set value is added or subtracted to actual measured value by sensor.Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):default value 3253632536 - offset is 0.0CFrom 1 to 100 - value from 0.1 C to 10.0 C is added to actual measured temperature. From 1001 to 1100 - value from -0.1C to -10.0C is subtracted to actual measured temperature. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 32536
Wert | Beschreibung |
32536 | Offset is 0.0 C |
1 - 100 | Value from 0.1 C to 10.0 C is added to actual measured temperature. |
1001 - 1100 | value from -0.1 C to -10.0 C is subtracted to actual measured temperature.alue from -0.1 C to -10.0 C is subtracted to actual measured temperature. |
Available config. parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):default value 00 - Auto ON disabled 1 - 32535 = 1second - 32535 seconds Auto ON enabled with define time, step is 1 second. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Auto ON disabled. |
1 - 32535 | 1 second - 32535 seconds Auto ON enabled with define time, step is 1 second. |
If digital temperature sensor is connected, module reports measured temperature on temperature change defined by this parameter. Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 5 = 0,5C change0 - reporting disabled1 - 127 = 0,1C - 12,7C, step is 0,1C Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 5
Wert | Beschreibung |
5 | 0,5C change. |
0 | Reporting disabled. |
1 - 127 | 0,1C - 12,7C, step is 0,1C. |
Available config. parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 00 - mono-stable switch type (push button)button quick pressturns between previous set Dimmer value and zero1 - bi-stable switch type NOTE: to enable this function, Parameter 20 or Parameter 100 has to be set. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Mono-stable switch type (push button)button quick pressturns between previous set Dimmer value and zero. |
1 | Bi-stable switch type. |
Dimming is done by push button or switch connected to I1 (by default). Enabling additional switch, dimming can be controlled by push button or switch connected to I1 and I2. Available config. parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 00 - single push button (connected to I1)1 - additional switch (connected to I1 and I2) Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Single push button (connected to I1). |
1 | Additional switch (connected to I1 and I2) |
If Double click function is enabled, a fast double click on the push button will set dimming power at maximum dimming value. Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 00 - double click disabled1 - double click enabled Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Double click disabled. |
1 | Double click enabled. |
Available configuration parameter (data type is 1 Byte Dec):default Value 00Unsecure Inclusion1Secure InclusionA Flush dimmer supports secure and unsecure inclusion. Even if the controller does not support security command classes, a dimmer could be included as unsecure and keep all the functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Unsecure Inclusion. |
1 | Secure Inclusion. |
Available config. parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 00 - NO (normally open) input type1 - NC (normally close) input type Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | NO (normally open) input type. |
1 | NC (normally close) input type. |
Available config. parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 00 - Flush Dimmer module saves its state before power failure (it returns to the last position saved before a power failure).1 - Flush Dimmer module does not save the state after a power failure, it returns to u0022offu0022 position. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Flush Dimmer module saves its state before power failure (it returns to the last position saved before a power failure). |
1 | Flush Dimmer module does not save the state after a power failure, it returns to "off" position. |
Available config. parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 00 - NO (normally open) input type1 - NC (normally close) input type Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | NO (normally open) input type. |
1 | NC (normally close) input type. |
Set value means percentage, set value from 0 - 100=0% - 100%. Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC): default value 5 0 - reporting disabled1 - 100 = 1% - 100% Reporting enabled. Power report is send (push) only when actual power in Watts in real time changes for more than set percentage comparing to previous actual power in Watts, step is 1%.NOTE: if power changed is less than 1W, the report is not send (pushed), independent of percentage set. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 5
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Reporting disabled. |
1 - 100 | 1% - 100% Reporting enabled. Power report is send (push) only when actual power in Watts in real time changes for more than set percentage comparing to previous actual power in Watts, step is 1%. |
Set value means time interval (0 - 32767) in seconds, when power report is send. Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC): default value 00 - reporting disabled1 - 32767 = 1 second - 32767 seconds. Reporting enabled. Power report is send with time interval set by entered value. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Reporting disabled. |
1 - 32767 | 1 second - 32767 seconds. Reporting enabled. Power report is send with time interval set by entered value. |
Available config. parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 1 = 1% (minimum dimming value)1- 98 = 1% - 98%, step is 1%. Minimum dimming values is set by entered value.NOTE: The minimum level may not be higher than the maximum level! 1% min. dimming value is defined by Z-Wave multilevel device class. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | 1% (minimum dimming value) |
1 - 98 | 1% - 98%, step is 1%. Minimum dimming values is set by entered value. |
Available config. parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 99 = 99% (Maximum dimming value)2- 99 = 2% - 99%, step is 1%. Maximum dimming values is set by entered value.NOTE: The maximum level may not be lower than the minimum level! 99% max. dimming value is defined by Z-Wave multilevel device class. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 99
Wert | Beschreibung |
99 | 99% (Maximum dimming value). |
2 - 99 | 2% - 99%, step is 1%. Maximum dimming values is set by entered value. |
Set value means time of moving the Dimmer between min. and max. dimming values by short press of push button I1 or controlled through UI (BasicSet). Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):default value 100 = 1s50 - 255 = 500 mseconds - 2550 mseconds (2,55s), step is 10 mseconds Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 100
Wert | Beschreibung |
100 | 1s |
50 - 255 | 00 mseconds - 2550 mseconds (2,55s), step is 10 mseconds. |
Time of moving the Dimmer between min. and max dimming values by continues hold of push button I1 or associated device. Available configuration parameters (data type is 2 Byte DEC):default value 3 = 3s1- 255 = 1 second255 seconds Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 3
Wert | Beschreibung |
3 | 3s |
1 - 255 | 1 second255 seconds |
This parameter is used with association group 3.A receiving device SHOULD respect the start level if the Ignore Start Level bit is 0. A receiving device MUST ignore the start level if the Ignore Start Level bit is 1. Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 0 0 - respect start level1 - ignore start level Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Respect start level. |
1 | Ignore start level. |
This parameter is used with association group 3.The Duration field MUST specify the time that the transition should take from the current value to the new target value. A supporting device SHOULD respect the specified Duration value. Available configuration parameters (data type is 1 Byte DEC):default value 0 (dimming duration according to parameter 66)1 - 127 (from 1 to 127 seconds) Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Dimming duration according to parameter 66. |
1 - 127 | From 1 to 127 seconds. |
Z-Wave Hardware Platform | ZM5202 |
Gerätetyp | Light Dimmer Switch |
Netzwerkfunktion | Always On Slave |
Firmware Version | HW: 3 FW: 3.03:03.03 |
Z-Wave Version | 6.51.07 |
Zertifizierungs-ID | ZC10-16125357 |
Z-Wave Produkt Id | 0x0159.0x0001.0x0051 |
Supported Meter Type | Electric Energy |
Switch Type | Push Button |
Color | Light Blue |
Sensors | Air Temperature |
Electric Load Type | Dimmable LEDELV (Electronic)Incandescent |
Frequenz | XXfrequency |
Maximale Sendeleistung | XXantenna |