Dies ist ein
Initiate the process to add the lock to your system at your smart home controller.When prompted by your smart home system to add the lock, press button A on the lock interior one time. The red LED will illuminate when the lock enters Add Mode.Please allow time for the controller to add the lock to your system.
Z-Wave ist der internationale Funkstandard zur Kommunikation von Geräten im intelligenten Haus. Dies ist ein Z-Wave Gerät und nutzt die im Quickstart angegebene Funkfrequenz.
Dank Z-Wave können Produkte unterschiedlicher Hersteller miteinander in einem Funknetz verwendet werden. Damit ist auch dieses Produkt mit beliebigen anderen Produkten anderer Hersteller in einem gemeinsamen Z-Wave Funknetz einsetzbar.
Wenn ein Gerät die spezielle sichere Kommunikation unterstützt dann wird es immer dann mit einem anderen Gerät sicher kommunizieren, wenn dieses Gerät auch eine sichere Kommunikation unterstützt. Ansonsten wird aus Kompatibilitätsgründen auf einen normalen Kommunikation umgeschaltet.
Weitere Informationen wie Produktneugkeiten, Tutorials, Supportforen etc. erhalten Sie auf www.zwave.de.
Kwikset, the leader in residential security, introduces the SmartCode 910 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt with Z-Wave.Backlit keypad with One touch locking30 user codesBHMA grade 2 certifiedFull 128-bit encryption securityDrill and pick resistant backup keywaySmartKey: Re-key the lock in seconds
Bitte lesen Sie die Benutzeranleitung bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen.
Damit ein Z-Wave zu einem neuen Netz hinzugefügt werden kann muss es sich im Auslieferungs- oder Reset-Zustand befinden. Im Zweifel ist es sinnvoll, eine Exklusion durchzuführen, um das Gerät ganz sicher in diesem Zustand zu bringen. Diese Exklusion kann von jedem beliebigen Z-Wave Controller durchgeführt werden.
Dieses Gerät kann auch ohne Hilfe eines Controller in den Reset-Zustand zurückgeführt werden. Dies sollte jedoch nur dann gemacht werden wenn der Primärcontroller des Z-Wave-Netzes nicht mehr verfügbar oder defekt ist.
A factory reset will delete all user codes associated with the lock and will remove itself from your smart home system.Please only perform a factory reset when the primary controller is missing or inoperable.To perform a factory reset, please perform the following:1. Remove the battery pack2. Press and HOLD the Program button while reinserting the battery pack.3. Keep holding the button for 30 seconds until the lock beeps and the status LED flashes red.4. Press the Program button once more.The status LED will flash green and red several times.5. After a few seconds, the lock will initiate the door handing process.
Im Auslieferungszustand ist das Gerät mit keinem Z-Wave-Netz verbunden. Damit es
mit anderen Z-Wave Geräten kommunizieren kann, muss es in ein bestehendes Z-Wave Netz
eingebunden werden. Dieser Prozess wird bei Z-Wave Inklusion genannt. Geräte können
Netzwerke auch wieder verlassen. Dieser Prozess heißt bei Z-Wave Exklusion. Beide
Prozesse werden von einem Controller gestartet, der dazu in einen Inklusion- bzw.
Exklusion-Modus geschaltet werden muss. Das Handbuch des Controllers enthält
Informationen, wie er in diese Modi zu schalten ist. Erst wenn der Controller
des Z-Wave Netzes im Inclusion-Modus ist, können Geräte hinzugefügt werden.
Das Verlassen des Netzes durch Exklusion führt zum Rücksetzen dieses Gerätes
in den Auslieferungszustand.3>
Das Gerät ist batteriegespeist und damit in der Regel in einem Tiefschlafmodus um
Strom zu sparen. Im Tiefschlafmodus kann das Gerät keine Funksignale empfangen. Daher
wird ein (statischer) Controller benötigt, der netzgespeist und damit immer
funkaktiv ist. Dieser Controller - zum Beispiel ein IP-Gateway - verwaltet eine
Nachrichten-Mailbox für dieses batteriegespeiste Gerät, in dem Nachrichten an dieses
Gerät zwischengespeichert werden. Ohne einen solchen statischen Controller wird die
Nutzung dieses batteriebetriebenen Gerätes sehr schnell zur Entladung der Batterie
führen oder die Nutzung ist komplett unmöglich. Dieses Gerät weckt regelmäßig auf, meldet dies durch Aussenden einer sogenannten
Wakeup-Notifikation und leert dann seine Mailbox im statischen Controller. Dafür
muss bei der Inclusion die Node-ID des Controllers und ein Aufweckinterval
definiert werden. Erfolgt die Inklusion durch einen statischen Controller
wie zum Beispiel ein IP-Gateway, wird dieser Controller diese Konfiguration
automatisch erledigen und in der Regel eine Nutzerschnittstelle anbieten, um das
Aufweck-Interval den Nutzerbedürfnissen anzupassen. Das Aufweckinterval ist ein
Kompromiss zwischen maximaler Batterielaufzeit und minimaler Reaktionszeit des
batteriegespeisten Gerätes. Um das Gerät manuell aufzuwecken, führen Sie die folgende Aktion durch:
Even though the lock is sleeping, all buttons are active and can be used to initiate any lock activity.For the RF side, it will wake up every 1 second to check if there are any requests from your smart home controller. Inklusion
Initiate the process to add the lock to your system at your smart home controller.When prompted by your smart home system to add the lock, press button A on the lock interior one time. The red LED will illuminate when the lock enters Add Mode.Please allow time for the controller to add the lock to your system.
Follow your smart home systems instructions to remove the lock from the network. When prompted by the system, press button A on the lock interior once.The red LED will illuminate when the lock enters Remove mode.
Kommunikation zu einem schlafenden Gerät (Wakeup)
Die folgenden kleinen Hinweise können bei Problemen im Z-Wave Netz helfen.
Z-Wave Geräte können andere Geräte direkt steuern. Diese direkte Steuerung heißt in Z-Wave Assoziation. In den steuernden Geräten muss dazu die Geräte-ID des zu steuernden Gerätes hinterlegt werden. Dies erfolgt in sogenannten Assoziationsgruppen. Eine Assoziationsgruppe ist immer an ein Ereignis im steuernden Gerät gebunden (Tastendruck oder Auslösen eines Sensors). Bei Eintritt dieses Ereignisses wird an alle in einer Assoziationsgruppe hinterlegten Geräte ein Steuerkommando - meist ein BASIC SET - gesendet.
Gruppen-Nummer | Max. Anzahl Geräte | Beschreibung |
1 | 1 | Z-Wave Plus LifelineSupports the following types of unsolicited messages:Battery Report - sends periodic battery reports containing the battery percentage.Door Lock Operation Report - upon power up, this message will be sent to allow the controller to sync up with the current lock status.Notification Report - many notification types will be sent for status and alarms.The following notification types are supported:Access Control (V2), Home Security (V2), and Power Management (V2).Device Reset Locally Notification - this message will be sent to notify the smart home controller that the lock is resetting back to factory defaults and will be leaving the network. |
2 | 5 | This group will provide all Notification reports as described for the Lifeline.This group allows other controllers, other than the lifeline, to receive these types of unsolicited messages as well. |
Z-Wave Produkte können direkt nach der Inklusion im Netz verwendet werden. Durch Konfigurationseinstellungen kann das Verhalten des Gerätes jedoch noch besser an die Anforderungen der Anwendung angepasst und zusätzliche Funktionen aktiviert werden.
WICHTIG: Manche Steuerungen erlauben nur die Konfiguration von vorzeichenbehafteten Werten zwischen -128 und 127. Um erforderliche Werte zwischen 128 und 255 zu programmieren, muss der gewünschte Wert minus 256 eingegeben werden. Beispiel: um einen Parameter auf einen Wert von 200 zu setzen, müsste der Wert 200-256 = -56 eingegeben werden, wenn nur positive Werte bis 128 akzeptiert werden. Bei Werten von 2 Byte Länge wird die gleiche Logik angewandt: Werte über 32768 werden als negative Werte angegeben.
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 1. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 10. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 11. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 12. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 13. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 14. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 15. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 16. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 17. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 18. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 19. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 2. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 20. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 21. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 22. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 23. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 24. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 25. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 26. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 27. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 28. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 29. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 3. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 30. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This is a one byte read only bit mask that returns the state of the user accessible dipswitches on the rear panel of the door lock.0x01: Lock Status LED (1: enabled, 0: disabled)0x02: Autolock setting (1: enabled, 0: disabled)0x04: Buzzer (1: enabled, 0: disabled) Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 5
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | All features disabled |
1 | Lock Status LED enabled |
2 | Autolock enabled |
4 | Internal Buzzer enabled |
3 | Autolock & Lock status LED enabled |
5 | Internal buzzer & Lock status LED enabled |
7 | All features enabled |
This configuration parameter provides the first 4 bytes of the SKU number that has been programmed into the lock.Each byte allows all printable characters from 32 to 126. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 32
Wert | Beschreibung |
32 - 126 | All printable characters |
This configuration parameter provides the second and last 4 bytes of the SKU number that has been programmed into the lock.Each byte allows all printable characters from 32 to 126. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 32
Wert | Beschreibung |
32 - 126 | All printable characters |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 4. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter allows the smart home controller to force a factory reset of the lock.After receiving this request, the lock will send a Device Reset Locally message back to the lifeline controller. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | No action taken |
1 | Force Factory Reset |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 5. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 6. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 7. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 8. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
This configuration parameter is used to get or set the type of user for their corresponding user code. By default, all user codes are set to the Owner type unless otherwise specified. The parameter type is associated with the user code location 9. Caution must be used when setting these values. Guests and Workers will require schedules attached to them in order for those types to be assigned. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 | Owner |
3 | Guest |
4 | Worker |
Z-Wave Hardware Platform | ZM5101 |
Gerätetyp | Door Lock - Keypad |
Netzwerkfunktion | Listening Sleeping Slave |
Firmware Version | HW: 2 FW: 4.08:56.11 |
Z-Wave Version | 6.51.08 |
Zertifizierungs-ID | ZC10-17025453 |
Z-Wave Produkt Id | 0x0090.0x0003.0x0238 |
Communications Protocol | Z-Wave Serial API |
Firmware Updatable | Updatable by Consumer by RF |
Door Lock Type | Deadbolt |
Frequenz | XXfrequency |
Maximale Sendeleistung | XXantenna |