Dies ist ein
Remove white pushbutton cover and press on the center switch with a non-conductive object. The LEDs will now start blinking on pushbutton 1 (upper left pushbutton)
Z-Wave ist der internationale Funkstandard zur Kommunikation von Geräten im intelligenten Haus. Dies ist ein Z-Wave Gerät und nutzt die im Quickstart angegebene Funkfrequenz.
Dank Z-Wave können Produkte unterschiedlicher Hersteller miteinander in einem Funknetz verwendet werden. Damit ist auch dieses Produkt mit beliebigen anderen Produkten anderer Hersteller in einem gemeinsamen Z-Wave Funknetz einsetzbar.
Wenn ein Gerät die spezielle sichere Kommunikation unterstützt dann wird es immer dann mit einem anderen Gerät sicher kommunizieren, wenn dieses Gerät auch eine sichere Kommunikation unterstützt. Ansonsten wird aus Kompatibilitätsgründen auf einen normalen Kommunikation umgeschaltet.
Weitere Informationen wie Produktneugkeiten, Tutorials, Supportforen etc. erhalten Sie auf www.zwave.de.
The front is elegantly designed with a diffused backlight in each of the four pushbuttons. The pushbuttons can light up in all colors which can be used to show the status of a lamp, as orientation light during nighttime, visual alarm and much more.Each pushbutton is a tactile switch designed that can hold up to four functions and control either a wired lamp or other Z-Wave devices, e.g. other light dimmers, roller shutters and power outlets.The light dimmer can dim all dimmable light sources from 0-250 W.MATRIX ZDB5100 is designed to fit into all FUGA compatible wall boxes and cover frames.
Bitte lesen Sie die Benutzeranleitung bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen.
Damit ein Z-Wave zu einem neuen Netz hinzugefügt werden kann muss es sich im Auslieferungs- oder Reset-Zustand befinden. Im Zweifel ist es sinnvoll, eine Exklusion durchzuführen, um das Gerät ganz sicher in diesem Zustand zu bringen. Diese Exklusion kann von jedem beliebigen Z-Wave Controller durchgeführt werden.
Dieses Gerät kann auch ohne Hilfe eines Controller in den Reset-Zustand zurückgeführt werden. Dies sollte jedoch nur dann gemacht werden wenn der Primärcontroller des Z-Wave-Netzes nicht mehr verfügbar oder defekt ist.
Remove white pushbutton cover and long-press the center switch for 10 seconds with a non-conductive object.Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.
Achtung: Je nach nationalen Sicherheitsnormen kann es nur autorisierten und/oder ausgebildeten Techniker erlaubt sein, elektrische Installationen am Spannungsnetz vorzunehmen. Bitte informieren Sie sich vor der Installation über die Rechtslage.
Im Auslieferungszustand ist das Gerät mit keinem Z-Wave-Netz verbunden. Damit es
mit anderen Z-Wave Geräten kommunizieren kann, muss es in ein bestehendes Z-Wave Netz
eingebunden werden. Dieser Prozess wird bei Z-Wave Inklusion genannt. Geräte können
Netzwerke auch wieder verlassen. Dieser Prozess heißt bei Z-Wave Exklusion. Beide
Prozesse werden von einem Controller gestartet, der dazu in einen Inklusion- bzw.
Exklusion-Modus geschaltet werden muss. Das Handbuch des Controllers enthält
Informationen, wie er in diese Modi zu schalten ist. Erst wenn der Controller
des Z-Wave Netzes im Inclusion-Modus ist, können Geräte hinzugefügt werden.
Das Verlassen des Netzes durch Exklusion führt zum Rücksetzen dieses Gerätes
in den Auslieferungszustand.3>
Remove white pushbutton cover and press on the center switch with a non-conductive object. The LEDs will now start blinking on pushbutton 1 (upper left pushbutton)
Remove white pushbutton cover and press on the center switch with a non-conductive object. The LEDs will now start blinking on pushbutton 1 (upper left pushbutton)
Die folgenden kleinen Hinweise können bei Problemen im Z-Wave Netz helfen.
Z-Wave Geräte können andere Geräte direkt steuern. Diese direkte Steuerung heißt in Z-Wave Assoziation. In den steuernden Geräten muss dazu die Geräte-ID des zu steuernden Gerätes hinterlegt werden. Dies erfolgt in sogenannten Assoziationsgruppen. Eine Assoziationsgruppe ist immer an ein Ereignis im steuernden Gerät gebunden (Tastendruck oder Auslösen eines Sensors). Bei Eintritt dieses Ereignisses wird an alle in einer Assoziationsgruppe hinterlegten Geräte ein Steuerkommando - meist ein BASIC SET - gesendet.
Gruppen-Nummer | Max. Anzahl Geräte | Beschreibung |
1 | 5 | Lifeline. Sends Device Reset notifications, and Central Scene notifications. |
2 | 5 | Sends Basic Report with information about the actual level for the dimmer. This report is used by other MATRIX devices that are used for controlling this dimmer. |
3 | 5 | Nodes in this group receive Binary Switch Set commands when pushbuttons 1-4 are operated. It can be used for controlling other Z-Wave devices, e.g. a relay module. |
4 | 5 | Nodes in this group receive Multi-Level Switch Set / Multi-Level Switch Start Level Change / Multi-Level Switch Stop Level Change when pushbuttons 1-4 are operated. It can, as an example, be used for controlling light dimmers. |
Z-Wave Produkte können direkt nach der Inklusion im Netz verwendet werden. Durch Konfigurationseinstellungen kann das Verhalten des Gerätes jedoch noch besser an die Anforderungen der Anwendung angepasst und zusätzliche Funktionen aktiviert werden.
WICHTIG: Manche Steuerungen erlauben nur die Konfiguration von vorzeichenbehafteten Werten zwischen -128 und 127. Um erforderliche Werte zwischen 128 und 255 zu programmieren, muss der gewünschte Wert minus 256 eingegeben werden. Beispiel: um einen Parameter auf einen Wert von 200 zu setzen, müsste der Wert 200-256 = -56 eingegeben werden, wenn nur positive Werte bis 128 akzeptiert werden. Bei Werten von 2 Byte Länge wird die gleiche Logik angewandt: Werte über 32768 werden als negative Werte angegeben.
This parameter specifies which pushbutton(s) that shall be used to control the built-in dimmer.The parameter is a bitmask, so each of the values can be added together in order to have several pushbuttons to operate the dimmer. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | No local operation of the dimmer. |
1 | Pushbutton 1 controls the dimmer. |
2 | Pushbutton 2 controls the dimmer. |
4 | Pushbutton 3 controls the dimmer. |
8 | Pushbutton 4 controls the dimmer. |
Pushbutton input debounce time in 0.01 seconds resolution. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 5
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | 02.55 seconds. Default is 5, which equals to a debounce-filter on 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) |
Specifies the time that a pushbutton must be activated before it is detected as pressed. Resolution is in 0.01 seconds. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 20
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | 02.55 seconds. Default is 20, which equals to 200 milliseconds (0.2 seconds). |
Specifies the time that a pushbutton must have been activated before it is accepted as held-down. Resolution is 0.01 seconds. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 50
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | 02.55 seconds. Default is 50, which equals to 500 milliseconds (0,5 seconds). |
This parameter specifies a common brightness for each of the three base colours for all four pushbutton indicators.Byte 1: Red brightness. Byte 2: Green brightness. Byte 3: Blue brightness. Byte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 255
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | Byte 3: Brightness level for the blue colour in the 4 indicator groups. (Default is 255) |
0 | Byte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0. |
0 - 255 | Byte1: Brightness level for the red colour in the 4 indicator groups. (Default is 255) |
0 - 255 | Byte 2: Brightness level for the green colour in the 4 indicator groups. (Default is 255) |
This parameter specifies if commands are transmitted as a secure message for each of the association groups.This parameter is only used when the device is included in security mode (either S0 or S2). The values are bitmasks that can be added up to select several options. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 8191
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | All messages in all groups are sent as insecure. |
1 | Messages in association group 2 is sent as secure. |
2 | Messages in association group 3 is sent as secure. |
4 | Messages in association group 4 is sent as secure. |
8 | Messages in association group 5 is sent as secure. |
16 | Messages in association group 6 is sent as secure. |
32 | Messages in association group 7 is sent as secure. |
64 | Messages in association group 8 is sent as secure. |
128 | Messages in association group 9 is sent as secure. |
256 | Messages in association group 10 is sent as secure. |
512 | Messages in association group 11 is sent as secure. |
1024 | Messages in association group 12 is sent as secure. |
2048 | Messages in association group 13 is sent as secure. |
4096 | Messages in association group 14 is sent as secure. |
8191 | Messages in all association groups are sent as secure. |
This parameter specifies the functionality of pushbutton 1. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Standard toggle-function, the state is switched between on and off, dimming up and down. |
1 | Automatic turn off after the time has expired (staircase lighting function), the time is specified in the next configuration parameter. |
2 | Automatic turn on after the time has expired, the time is specified in the next configuration parameter. |
3 | Always turn off or dim down . Using this parameter, the pushbutton can only send off or dim down commands. Use this in pair with another pushbutton with value 4 (see chapter 2.6 in the manual) |
4 | Always turn on or dim up. Using this parameter, the pushbutton can only send on or dim up commands. Use this in pair with another pushbutton with value 3 (see chapter 2.6 in the manual) |
This parameter specifies the time used in previous configuration parameter. This parameter is only applicable if previous parameter has value 1 or 2. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 300
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 43200 | Specifies the time in seconds. Default is 300 = 5 minutes. |
Byte 1: Enable / DisableByte 2: Upper switch valueByte 3: Lower switch valueByte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Byte 1: DisabledA single activation of the button will not result in commands are sent to devices in association group 4. |
0 - 99 | Byte 2: When single pressing the button for ON, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4. |
0 - 99 | Byte 3: When single pressing the button for OFF, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4. (Default = 0) |
0 | Byte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0 |
1 | Byte 1: EnabledA single activation will result in commands are sent to devices in association group 4, they will receive commands with the values set below. (Default). |
255 | Byte 2: When single pressing the button for ON, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4. (Default = 255) |
This parameter specifies how received Binary Switch Set commands are handled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Binary Switch Set only controls the pushbutton indicator LEDs, ON/OFF |
1 | Binary Switch Set controls the internal switch status and the pushbutton indicator LEDs |
2 | Binary Switch Set is handled as if the user had activated the pushbutton, including transmission of commands via the association groups |
This parameter specifies the duration of a full regulation of the light from 0% to 100%. A regulation of the light with 1% will take 1/100 of the specified duration. This is used when a pushbutton is held-down for controlling the dimming, and when the dimming is fulfilled from other Z-Wave devices. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 5
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Immediately |
1 - 127 | Duration in seconds. |
128 - 255 | Duration in minutes (minus 127) from 1128 minutes, where 128 is 1 minute |
This parameter specifies how the LED indication is controlled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 7
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Internal LED control is disabled, only external commands control the indication |
1 | The LED indication follows the switch status |
2 | The LED indication follows the switch statuswith inverted functionality |
3 | Same as 1 |
4 | Same as 2 |
5 | The LED indication follows the status of the internal dimmer, ON or OFF |
6 | The LED indication follows the status of the internal dimmer with inverted functionality, ON or OFF |
7 | The LED indicator is ON for 5 seconds when the pushbutton is activated |
This parameter specifies how Command Class Switch Color commands are handled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Direct control; the LED indication shows the received colour immediately, until the pushbutton is activated |
1 | Colour command sets the colour for OFF indication |
2 | Colour command sets the colour for ON indication |
This parameter specifies the saturation levels for the red, green and blue LEDs, when ON status is indicated. (Default is the ON-state indicated by a 50% blue colour).Byte 1: Colour saturation, red.Byte 2: Colour saturation, green.Byte 3: Colour saturation, blue.Byte 4: LED control. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 255
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | Byte 4: LED indicator control; see the application note about this parameter. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 1: Specifies the saturation for the red LEDs. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 2: Specifies the saturation for the green LEDs. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 3: Specifies the saturation for the blue LEDs. (Default is 127) |
This parameter specifies the saturation levels for the red, green and blue LEDs, when OFF status is indicated. (Default is the OFF-state indicated as a low white light on 5%).Byte 1: Colour saturation, red.Byte 2: Colour saturation, green.Byte 3: Colour saturation, blue.Byte 4: LED control. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 47
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | Byte 3: Specifies the saturation for the blue LEDs. (Default is 47) |
0 - 255 | Byte 4: LED indicator control; see the application note about this parameter. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 1: Specifies the saturation for the red LEDs. (Default is 47) |
0 - 255 | Byte 2: Specifies the saturation for the green LEDs. (Default is 47) |
This parameter specifies the functionality of pushbutton 2. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Standard toggle-function, the state is switched between on and off, dimming up and down. |
1 | Automatic turn off after the time has expired (staircase lighting function), the time is specified in the next configuration parameter. |
2 | Automatic turn on after the time has expired, the time is specified in the next configuration parameter. |
3 | Always turn off or dim down. Using this parameter, the pushbutton can only send off or dim down commands. Use this in pair with another pushbutton with value 4 (see chapter 2.6 in the manual) |
4 | Always turn on or dim up. Using this parameter, the pushbutton can only send on or dim up commands. Use this in pair with another pushbutton with value 3 (see chapter 2.6 in the manual) |
This parameter specifies the time used in previous configuration parameter. This parameter is only applicable if previous parameter has value 1 or 2. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 300
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Enhanced LED control is disabled |
0 - 43200 | Specifies the time in seconds. Default is 300 = 5 minutes |
1 | Enhanced LED control is enabled |
Byte 1: Enable / Disable.Byte 2: Upper switch value.Byte 3: Lower switch value.Byte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Byte 1: DisabledA single activation of the pushbutton will not send commands to devices in association group 4 |
0 | Byte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0. |
0 - 99 | Byte 3: When single pressing the pushbutton for OFF, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4. (Default = 0) |
0 - 99 | Byte 2: When single pressing the pushbutton for ON, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4. (Default = 255) |
1 | Byte 1: EnabledA single activation will send commands to devices in association group 4. Devices will receive commands with the values set in Byte 2 and 3 (Default) |
255 | Byte 2: When single pressing the pushbutton for ON, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4. (Default = 255) |
This parameter specifies how received Binary Switch Set commands are handled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Binary Switch Set only controls the button indicator LEDs, ON/OFF |
1 | Binary Switch Set controls the internal switch status and the button indicator LEDs |
2 | Binary Switch Set is handled as if the user had activated the button, including transmission of commands via the association groups |
This parameter specifies how the LED indication is controlled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 7
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Internal LED control is disabled, only external commands control the indication |
1 | The LED indication follows the switch status |
2 | The LED indication follows the switch statuswith inverted functionality |
3 | Same as 1 |
4 | Same as 2 |
5 | The LED indication follows the status of the internal dimmer, ON or OFF |
6 | The LED indication follows the status of the internal dimmer with inverted functionality, ON or OFF |
7 | The LED indicator is ON for 5 seconds when the pushbutton is activated |
This parameter specifies how Command Class Switch Color commands is handled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Direct control; the LED indication shows the received colour immediately, until the pushbutton is activated |
1 | Colour command sets the colour for OFF indication |
2 | Colour command sets the colour for ON indication |
This parameter specifies the duration when turning the light on or off. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Immediately |
1 - 127 | Time in seconds |
128 - 255 | Time in minutes (minus 127) from 1128 minutes, where 128 is 1 minute |
This parameter specifies the saturation levels for the red, green and blue LEDs, when ON status is indicated. (Default is the ON-state indicated by a 50% blue colour).Byte 1: Colour saturation, red.Byte 2: Colour saturation, green.Byte 3: Colour saturation, blue.Byte 4: LED control. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | Byte 1:Specifies the saturation for the red LEDs. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 2: Specifies the saturation for the green LEDs. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 3: Specifies the saturation for the blue LEDs. (Default is 127) |
0 - 255 | Byte 4: LED indicator control; see the application note about this parameter. (Default is 0) |
This parameter specifies the saturation levels for the red, green and blue LEDs, when OFF status is indicated. (Default is the OFF-state indicated as a low white light on 5%).Byte 1: Colour saturation, red.Byte 2: Colour saturation, green.Byte 3: Colour saturation, blue.Byte 4: LED control. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 255
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | Byte 4: LED indicator control; see the application note about this parameter (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 2: Specifies the saturation for the green LEDs (Default is 47) |
0 - 255 | Byte 3: Specifies the saturation for the blue LEDs (Default is 47) |
0 - 255 | Byte 1: Specifies the saturation for the red LEDs (Default is 47) |
This parameter specifies the functionality of pushbutton 3. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Standard toggle-function, the state is switched between on and off, dimming up and down |
1 | Automatic turn off after the time has expired (staircase lighting function), the time is specified in the next configuration parameter. |
2 | Automatic turn on after the time has expired, the time is specified in the next configuration parameter. |
3 | Always turn off or dim down. Using this parameter, the pushbutton can only send off or dim down commands. Use this in pair with another pushbutton with value 4 (see chapter 2.6 in the manual) |
4 | Always turn on or dim up. Using this parameter, the pushbutton can only send on or dim up commands. Use this in pair with another pushbutton with value 3 (see chapter 2.6 in the manual) |
This parameter specifies the time used in previous configuration parameter. This parameter is only applicable if previous parameter has value 1 or 2. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 300
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 43200 | Specifies the time in seconds. Default is 300 = 5 minutes |
Byte 1: Enable / Disable.Byte 2: Upper switch value.Byte 3: Lower switch value.Byte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Byte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0 |
0 - 99 | Byte 3: When single pressing the pushbutton for OFF, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4 (Default = 0) |
0 | Byte 1: DisabledA single activation of the pushbutton will not send commands to devices in association group 4 |
0 - 99 | Byte 2: When single pressing the pushbutton for ON, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4 |
1 | Byte 1: EnabledA single activation will send commands to devices in association group 4. Devices will receive commands with the values set in Byte 2 and 3 (default) |
255 | Byte 2: When single pressing the pushbutton for ON, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4 (default) |
This parameter specifies how received Binary Switch Set commands are handled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Binary Switch Set only controls the pushbutton indicator LEDs, ON/OFF |
1 | Binary Switch Set controls the internal switch status and the pushbutton indicator LEDs |
2 | Binary Switch Set is handled as if the user had activated the pushbutton, including transmission of commands via the association groups |
This parameter specifies how the LED indication is controlled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 7
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Internal LED control is disabled, only external commands control the indication |
1 | The LED indication follows the switch status |
2 | The LED indication follows the switch statuswith inverted functionality |
3 | Same as 1 |
4 | Same as 2 |
5 | The LED indication follows the status of the internal dimmer, ON or OFF |
6 | The LED indication follows the status of the internal dimmer with inverted functionality, ON or OFF |
7 | The LED indicator is ON for 5 seconds when the pushbutton is activated |
This parameter specifies how Command Class Switch Color commands is handled Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Direct control; the LED indication shows the received colour immediately, until the pushbutton is activated |
1 | Colour command sets the colour for OFF indication |
2 | Colour command sets the colour for ON indication |
This parameter specifies the saturation levels for the red, green and blue LEDs, when ON status is indicated. (Default is the ON-state indicated by a 50% blue colour).Byte 1: Colour saturation, red.Byte 2: Colour saturation, green.Byte 3: Colour saturation, blue.Byte 4: LED control. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 127
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | Byte 1: Specifies the saturation for the red LEDs. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 3: Specifies the saturation for the blue LEDs. (Default is 127) |
0 - 255 | Byte 2: Specifies the saturation for the green LEDs. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 4: LED indicator control; see the application note about this parameter. (Default is 0) |
This parameter specifies the saturation levels for the red, green and blue LEDs, when OFF status is indicated. (Default is the OFF-state indicated as a low white light on 5%).Byte 1: Colour saturation, red.Byte 2: Colour saturation, green.Byte 3: Colour saturation, blue.Byte 4: LED control. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 47
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | Byte 2: Specifies the saturation for the green LEDs. (Default is 47) |
0 - 255 | Byte 3: Specifies the saturation for the blue LEDs. (Default is 47) |
0 - 255 | Byte 4: LED indicator control; see the application note about this parameter. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 1: Specifies the saturation for the red LEDs. (Default is 47). |
The dimmer can work in three different modes: on/off, leading edge or trailing edge. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | No dimming, only on/off (0/100%). |
1 | Trailing edge dimming |
2 | Leading edge dimming |
This parameter specifies the functionality of pushbutton 4. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Standard toggle-function, the state is switched between on and off, dimming up and down |
1 | Automatic turn off after the time has expired (staircase lighting function), the time is specified in the next configuration parameter. |
2 | Automatic turn on after the time has expired, the time is specified in the next configuration parameter. |
3 | Always turn off or dim down. Using this parameter, the pushbutton can only send off or dim down commands. Use this in pair with another pushbutton with value 4 (see chapter 2.6 in the manual). |
4 | Always turn on or dim up. Using this parameter, the pushbutton can only send on or dim up commands. Use this in pair with another pushbutton with value 3 (see chapter 2.6 in the manual). |
This parameter specifies the time used in previous configuration parameter. This parameter is only applicable if previous parameter has value 1 or 2. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 300
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 43200 | Specifies the time in seconds. Default is 300 = 5 minutes |
Byte 1: Enable / Disable.Byte 2: Upper switch value.Byte 3: Lower switch value.Byte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 255
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Byte 4: Not usedmust be set to 0. |
0 - 99 | Byte 2: When single pressing the pushbutton for ON, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4 |
0 | Byte 1: DisabledA single activation of the pushbutton will not send commands to devices in association group 4. |
0 - 99 | Byte 3: When single pressing the pushbutton for OFF, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4. (Default = 0) |
1 | Byte 1: EnabledA single activation will send commands to devices in association group 4. Devices will receive commands with the values set in Byte 2 and 3 (Default). |
255 | Byte 2: When single pressing the pushbutton for ON, a Multilevel Switch Set with this value will be send to devices in association group 4. (Default) |
This parameter specifies how received Binary Switch Set commands are handled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 2
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Binary Switch Set only controls the pushbutton indicator LEDs, ON/OFF |
1 | Binary Switch Set controls the internal switch status and the pushbutton indicator LEDs |
2 | Binary Switch Set is handled as if the user had activated the pushbutton, including transmission of commands via the association groups |
This parameter specifies how the LED indication is controlled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 7
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Internal LED control is disabled, only external commands control the indication. |
1 | The LED indication follows the switch status |
2 | The LED indication follows the switch statuswith inverted functionality |
3 | Same as 1 |
4 | Same as 2 |
5 | The LED indication follows the status of the internal dimmer, ON or OFF |
6 | The LED indication follows the status of the internal dimmer with inverted functionality, ON or OFF |
7 | The LED indicator is ON for 5 seconds when the pushbutton is activated |
This parameter specifies how Command Class Switch Color commands are handled. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Direct control; the LED indication shows the received colour immediately, until the pushbutton is activated |
1 | Colour command sets the colour for OFF indication |
2 | Colour command sets the colour for ON indication |
This parameter specifies the saturation levels for the red, green and blue LEDs, when ON status is indicated. (Default is the ON-state indicated by a 50% blue colour).Byte 1: Colour saturation, red.Byte 2: Colour saturation, green.Byte 3: Colour saturation, blue.Byte 4: LED control. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 255
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | Byte 1: Specifies the saturation for the red LEDs. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 2: Specifies the saturation for the green LEDs. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 3: Specifies the saturation for the blue LEDs. (Default is 127) |
0 - 255 | Byte 4: LED indicator control; see the application note about this parameter. (Default is 0) |
This parameter specifies the saturation levels for the red, green and blue LEDs, when OFF status is indicated. (Default is the OFF-state indicated as a low white light on 5%).Byte 1: Colour saturation, red.Byte 2: Colour saturation, green.Byte 3: Colour saturation, blue.Byte 4: LED control. Grösse: 4 Byte, Voreingestellt: 255
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 255 | Byte 1: Specifies the saturation for the red LEDs. (Default is 47) |
0 - 255 | Byte 2: Specifies the saturation for the green LEDs. (Default is 47) |
0 - 255 | Byte 4: LED indicator control; see the application note about this parameter. (Default is 0) |
0 - 255 | Byte 3: Specifies the saturation for the blue LEDs. (Default is 47) |
This parameter specifies the actual level of the dimmer output when set to 0%. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 99 | Corresponds to 099% |
This parameter specifies the actual level of the dimmer output when set to 99%. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 99
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 99 | Corresponds to 099% |
This parameter can be used for disabling Central Scene notifications. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Notifications are disabled |
1 | Notifications are enabled |
This parameter specifies the reaction when double-activating the pushbuttons. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Double-activation disabled |
1 | Double-activation sets light to 100% |
This parameter can be used for disabling the Z-Wave network add/remove process when triple-activating pushbutton 1. If disabled, the triple-activation functionality can be used as a Central Scene notification. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Triple-activation of pushbutton 1, does not start the add/remove process. |
1 | Triple-activation of pushbutton 1, starts the add/remove process |
Z-Wave Hardware Platform | ZM5101 |
Gerätetyp | Wall Controller |
Netzwerkfunktion | Always On Slave |
Firmware Version | HW: 2 FW: 1.01 |
Z-Wave Version | 6.71.03 |
Zertifizierungs-ID | ZC10-19066525 |
Z-Wave Produkt Id | 0x0234.0x0003.0x0121 |
Neutral Wire Required | ok |
IP (Ingress Protection) Rated | ok |
Firmware Updatable | |
Color | |
Electric Load Type | |
Switch Type | |
Z-Wave Scene Type | |
Frequenz | XXfrequency |
Maximale Sendeleistung | XXantenna |