Dies ist ein
Z-Wave ist der internationale Funkstandard zur Kommunikation von Geräten im intelligenten Haus. Dies ist ein Z-Wave Gerät und nutzt die im Quickstart angegebene Funkfrequenz.
Dank Z-Wave können Produkte unterschiedlicher Hersteller miteinander in einem Funknetz verwendet werden. Damit ist auch dieses Produkt mit beliebigen anderen Produkten anderer Hersteller in einem gemeinsamen Z-Wave Funknetz einsetzbar.
Wenn ein Gerät die spezielle sichere Kommunikation unterstützt dann wird es immer dann mit einem anderen Gerät sicher kommunizieren, wenn dieses Gerät auch eine sichere Kommunikation unterstützt. Ansonsten wird aus Kompatibilitätsgründen auf einen normalen Kommunikation umgeschaltet.
Weitere Informationen wie Produktneugkeiten, Tutorials, Supportforen etc. erhalten Sie auf www.zwave.de.
The HE-FT01 is HELTUNs advanced programmable Z-Wave thermostat for heating/cooling systems such as fan coil units, floor convectors, and wall, window, or ceiling mounted air conditioning units. The HE-FT01 thermostat is impossibly thin on the wall while still being packed full of features, delivering highly accurate comfort control through proprietary technology and four built-in sensors. You can monitor and control the HE-FT01 from anywhere in the world using a Z-Wave hub and your smartphone.* And because it uses Z-Wave Plus version 2, Smart Start, S2 Security and 700 platform technologies, the HE-FT01 can be placed up to 100 meters away from the hub and is a snap to install. Best of all, the built-in Power Consumption System precisely monitors how much energy you used during any particular day, week or month, helping you save money on energy costs while staying comfortable all year long.The HELTUN HE-FT01 is part of an entire line of smart, connected products designed to provide the best technology has to offer without compromising stylish living. (*hub and smartphone not included)
Bitte lesen Sie die Benutzeranleitung bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen.
Damit ein Z-Wave zu einem neuen Netz hinzugefügt werden kann muss es sich im Auslieferungs- oder Reset-Zustand befinden. Im Zweifel ist es sinnvoll, eine Exklusion durchzuführen, um das Gerät ganz sicher in diesem Zustand zu bringen. Diese Exklusion kann von jedem beliebigen Z-Wave Controller durchgeführt werden.
Achtung: Je nach nationalen Sicherheitsnormen kann es nur autorisierten und/oder ausgebildeten Techniker erlaubt sein, elektrische Installationen am Spannungsnetz vorzunehmen. Bitte informieren Sie sich vor der Installation über die Rechtslage.
Im Auslieferungszustand ist das Gerät mit keinem Z-Wave-Netz verbunden. Damit es
mit anderen Z-Wave Geräten kommunizieren kann, muss es in ein bestehendes Z-Wave Netz
eingebunden werden. Dieser Prozess wird bei Z-Wave Inklusion genannt. Geräte können
Netzwerke auch wieder verlassen. Dieser Prozess heißt bei Z-Wave Exklusion. Beide
Prozesse werden von einem Controller gestartet, der dazu in einen Inklusion- bzw.
Exklusion-Modus geschaltet werden muss. Das Handbuch des Controllers enthält
Informationen, wie er in diese Modi zu schalten ist. Erst wenn der Controller
des Z-Wave Netzes im Inclusion-Modus ist, können Geräte hinzugefügt werden.
Das Verlassen des Netzes durch Exklusion führt zum Rücksetzen dieses Gerätes
in den Auslieferungszustand.3>
Die folgenden kleinen Hinweise können bei Problemen im Z-Wave Netz helfen.
Z-Wave Geräte können andere Geräte direkt steuern. Diese direkte Steuerung heißt in Z-Wave Assoziation. In den steuernden Geräten muss dazu die Geräte-ID des zu steuernden Gerätes hinterlegt werden. Dies erfolgt in sogenannten Assoziationsgruppen. Eine Assoziationsgruppe ist immer an ein Ereignis im steuernden Gerät gebunden (Tastendruck oder Auslösen eines Sensors). Bei Eintritt dieses Ereignisses wird an alle in einer Assoziationsgruppe hinterlegten Geräte ein Steuerkommando - meist ein BASIC SET - gesendet.
Gruppen-Nummer | Max. Anzahl Geräte | Beschreibung |
1 | 1 | This is the Lifeline Group 1 which sends status (lifeline) reports to the primary controller. |
2 | 1 | Fan Low Speed (OUT-1) is used to turn the associated devices on/off reflecting OUT-1 operation. |
3 | 1 | Fan Medium Speed (OUT-2) is used to turn the associated devices on/off reflecting OUT-2 operation. |
4 | 1 | Fan High Speed (OUT-3) is used to turn the associated devices on/off reflecting OUT-3 operation. |
5 | 1 | Heater (OUT-4) is used to turn the associated devices on/off reflecting OUT-4 operation. |
6 | 1 | Cooler (OUT-5) is used to turn the associated devices on/off reflecting OUT-5 operation. |
Z-Wave Produkte können direkt nach der Inklusion im Netz verwendet werden. Durch Konfigurationseinstellungen kann das Verhalten des Gerätes jedoch noch besser an die Anforderungen der Anwendung angepasst und zusätzliche Funktionen aktiviert werden.
WICHTIG: Manche Steuerungen erlauben nur die Konfiguration von vorzeichenbehafteten Werten zwischen -128 und 127. Um erforderliche Werte zwischen 128 und 255 zu programmieren, muss der gewünschte Wert minus 256 eingegeben werden. Beispiel: um einen Parameter auf einen Wert von 200 zu setzen, müsste der Wert 200-256 = -56 eingegeben werden, wenn nur positive Werte bis 128 akzeptiert werden. Bei Werten von 2 Byte Länge wird die gleiche Logik angewandt: Werte über 32768 werden als negative Werte angegeben.
Time correction by controller Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Switch off auto-correction |
1 - 0 | If thermostat is connected to a Z-Wave gateway, the time and day will be periodically polled and corrected from the gateway |
Display manual brightness level.The Display Brightness Level Parameter will take effect when Parameter 22 is set to Manual Control (value = 0). Note: The environment illumination is displayed in the TIME position and also can be checked at any time via a Z-Wave gateway. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 10
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 - 15 | The LCD brightness may be adjusted from 1 (lowest brightness) to 15 (highest brightest). |
Touch buttons sensitivity. 5 = Highly sensitive. 50 = Lowest sensitivity. Note: Setting the sensitivity too high can lead to false touch detection. We recommend not changing this Parameter unless there is a need to do so. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 15
Wert | Beschreibung |
5 - 50 | Threshold to be adjusted from level 5 (very sensitive) to 50 (minimal sensitivity). |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Mode to switch to on Basic Set Action command This Parameter defines which Operating Mode the HE-FT01 reverts to if the Basic Set command is received. If the Basic Set command value is 0 (OFF state) the HE-FT01 will go to OFF mode and switch the operating state to IDLE. If the Basic Set command value is 0xFF (ON state) the HE-FT01 will change the Mode to the corresponding Parameter value. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 2
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | No action |
1 - 0 | COM with Heating & Cooling Climate Mode |
2 - 0 | COM with Heating Climate Mode |
3 - 0 | COM with Cooling Climate Mode |
4 - 0 | TIME with Heating & Cooling Climate Mode |
5 - 0 | TIME with Heating Climate Mode |
6 - 0 | TIME with Cooling Climate Mode |
7 - 0 | ECO with Heating Climate Mode |
8 - 0 | ECO with Cooling Climate Mode |
9 - 0 | Ventilation Climate Mode |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Time format Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | 24 hour format |
1 - 0 | 12 hour (AM/PM) format |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Week day. This parameter allows manually adjustment of the day of the week in case if the thermostat is not connected to any Z-Wave gateway or Parameter 09 (auto-correction) is selected as 0. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 - 0 | Monday |
2 - 0 | Tuesday |
3 - 0 | Wednesday |
4 - 0 | Thursday |
5 - 0 | Friday |
6 - 0 | Saturday |
7 - 0 | Sunday |
Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 1 | Parameter reserved by the manufacturer. Setting this parameter will have no impact on DUT functionality. |
Sensors consecutive reporting interval, minutes.When the device is connected to the Z-Wave gateway (controller), it periodically sends to the gateway reports from its room & floor temperature, humidity and light sensors even if there are not changes in the values. This Parameter defines the interval between consecutive reports. The value can be adjusted from 1 min to 120 min.Note: If the sensor readings change, the device will send the report to the gateway regardless of this parameter value. In order not to increase traffic on your network, it is not recommended to reduce the value of this parameter. We recommend to reduce the value of this parameter only in case of poor connection, when reports from the device does not always reach the gateway. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 10
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 - 120 | The value can be adjusted from 1 to 120 minutes |
This Parameter defines the interval (in minutes) between consecutive reports of real time and cumulative energy consumption data to the gateway. The value can be adjusted from 1 min to 120 min. The factory default value is 10 min. Note: If the sensor readings change, the device will send the report to the gateway regardless of this parameter value. In order to not increase traffic on your network, we recommend not reducing this value. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 10
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 - 120 | Consumption meter consecutive reporting interval in minutes. |
Temperature difference to send to controller, value x10. This parameter determines the change in temperature level (in C) resulting in temperature sensors report being sent to the gateway. The value of this parameter should be x10, e.g. for 0.4C use value 40. From 0.5C to 10C can be selected. The factory default value is 0.5C (5). Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 5
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Stop sending the reports |
5 - 100 | Temperature level difference (in C), value x10. |
This parameter determines the percentage change in relative humidity level which will trigger a report being sent to the gateway. From 2% to 25% can be selected. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 2
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Stop sending the reports |
2 - 25 | Humidity level difference in % |
This parameter determines the change in the ambient illumination level that will trigger a report being sent to the gateway. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 50
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Stop sending the reports |
10 - 99 | Light sensor values difference |
Power of the Relay 1 load in W. It is possible to specify the consumption of the loads in watts for each relays channel. The device will calculate total consumption relative to the time, during which the output of the relays is in the ON state. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 5000 | Power of the Relay 1 load in W |
Power of the Relay 2 load in W. It is possible to specify the consumption of the loads in watts for each relays channel. The device will calculate total consumption relative to the time, during which the output of the relays is in the ON state. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 5000 | Power of the Relay 2 load in W |
Power of the Relay 3 load in W.It is possible to specify the consumption of the loads in watts for each relays channel. The device will calculate total consumption relative to the time, during which the output of the relays is in the ON state. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 5000 | Power of the Relay 3 load in W |
Power of the Relay 4 load in W.It is possible to specify the consumption of the loads in watts for each relays channel. The device will calculate total consumption relative to the time, during which the output of the relays is in the ON state. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 5000 | Power of the Relay 4 load in W |
This Parameter allows manual adjustment of Time in hours (24 hours). Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 23 | Manual adjustment of time hours (24 hours). |
Power of the Relay 5 load in W.It is possible to specify the consumption of the loads in watts for each relays channel. The device will calculate total consumption relative to the time, during which the output of the relays is in the ON state. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 5000 | Power of the Relay 5 load in W |
This parameter determines the Climate Mode (Heating or Cooling) to which HE-FT01 will switch when the TIME operating mode is selected. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
1 - 0 | The thermostat will go to Heating & Cooling mode |
2 - 0 | The thermostat goes to Heating mode |
3 - 0 | The thermostat goes to Cooling Mode |
Morning start time for the Temperature Schedules. Format: HHMM. e.g.08:00 should be sent as 0800. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 600
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 2359 | Morning start time. Format: HHMM (from 00:00 to 23:59) |
Day start time for the Temperature Schedules. Format: HHMM. e.g.08:00 should be sent as 0800. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 900
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 2359 | Day start time. Format: HHMM (from 00:00 to 23:59) |
Evening start time for the Temperature Schedules. Format: HHMM. e.g.08:00 should be sent as 0800. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1800
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 2359 | Evening start time. Format: HHMM (from 00:00 to 23:59) |
Night start time for the Temperature Schedules. Format: HHMM. e.g.08:00 should be sent as 0800. Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 2300
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 2359 | Night start time. Format: HHMM (from 00:00 to 23:59) |
Monday Morning temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 240
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Monday Morning temperature value |
Monday Day temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 200
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Monday Day temperature value |
Monday Evening temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 230
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Monday Evening temperature value |
Monday Night temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 180
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Monday Night temperature value |
This Parameter allows manual adjustment of the Time in minutes (60 minutes)) Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 - 59 | Manual adjustment of time minutes (60 minutes) |
Tuesday Morning temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 240
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Tuesday Morning temperature value |
Tuesday Day temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 200
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Tuesday Day temperature value |
Tuesday Evening temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 230
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Tuesday Evening temperature value |
Tuesday Night temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 180
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Tuesday Night temperature value |
Wednesday Morning temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 240
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Wednesday Morning temperature value |
Wednesday Day temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 200
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Wednesday Day temperature value |
Wednesday Evening temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 230
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Wednesday Evening temperature value |
Wednesday Night temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 180
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Wednesday Night temperature value |
Thursday Morning temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 240
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Thursday Morning temperature value |
Thursday Day temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 200
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Thursday Day temperature value |
Degree mode (C/F)Floor and air temperature, as well as Set Point and all Parameters will be indicated in the chosen mode. Factory default value is degrees Celsius (0). Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Celsius |
1 - 0 | Fahrenheit |
Thursday Evening temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 230
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Thursday Evening temperature value |
Thursday Night temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 180
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Thursday Night temperature value |
Friday Morning temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 240
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Friday Morning temperature value |
Friday Day temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 200
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Friday Day temperature value |
Friday Evening temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 230
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Friday Evening temperature value |
Friday Night temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 180
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Friday Night temperature value |
Saturday Morning temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 240
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Saturday Morning temperature value |
Saturday Day temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 200
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Saturday Day temperature value |
Saturday Evening temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 230
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Saturday Evening temperature value |
Saturday Night temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 180
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Saturday Night temperature value |
This Parameter defines the offset value for room air temperature. If the internal air temperature sensor is not correctly calibrated, then manual calibration can be accomplished by adjusting the values up to 9.5C (17F). This value will be added or subtracted from the internal air temperature sensor reading. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 0
Wert | Beschreibung |
-95 - 95 | Air temperature offset value (C x 10) |
Sunday Morning temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 240
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Sunday Morning temperature value |
Sunday Day temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 200
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Sunday Day temperature value |
Sunday Evening temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 230
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Sunday Evening temperature value |
Sunday Night temperature, valueX10 Grösse: 2 Byte, Voreingestellt: 180
Wert | Beschreibung |
40 - 370 | Sunday Night temperature value |
This Parameter defines the hysteresis value for temperature control. The HE-FT01 will stabilize the temperature with the selected hysteresis. For example, if the SET POINT is set for 25C and HYSTERESIS is set for 0.5C, the HE-FT01 will change the state to IDLE if the temperature reaches 25.0C. It will change the state to HEATING if the temperature becomes lower than 24.5C, and will change the state to COOLING if the temperature rises beyond 25.5C. The hysteresis value can be changed from 0.2C to 10.0C range in Celsius mode, and 0.3F to 18.0F in Fahrenheit. The factory-default value is 0.5C (0.9F). Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 5
Wert | Beschreibung |
2 - 100 | Temperature hysteresis value (C x 10) |
Display auto-brightness controlThe HE-FT01 can adjust its display brightness automatically depending on the ambient room brightness. Grösse: 1 Byte, Voreingestellt: 1
Wert | Beschreibung |
0 | Manual Control: Inactive Level brightness will be set to the level defined by Parameter 10. |
1 - 0 | Automatic Brightness Control. |
Z-Wave Hardware Platform | ZGM130 |
Gerätetyp | Thermostat - HVAC |
Netzwerkfunktion | Always On Slave |
Firmware Version | HW: 20 FW: 2.01 |
Z-Wave Version | 7.11.1 |
Zertifizierungs-ID | ZC12-20010025 |
Z-Wave Produkt Id | 0x0344.0x0004.0x0002 |
Neutral Wire Required | ok |
Firmware Updatable | Updatable by Consumer by RF |
Thermostat HVAC Systems Supported | Cool OnlyHeat OnlyMulti StageVentilation Control |
Thermostat Modes | AutoAuto ChangeoverCoolEnergy Save CoolEnergy Save HeatFan OnlyHeat |
Thermostat Power Source | Mains powered (120V/240V)Power Stealing (hard-wired 24V) |
Switch Type | Dry Contact |
Frequenz | XXfrequency |
Maximale Sendeleistung | XXantenna |